import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as lin
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=150, suppress=True)['seaborn-whitegrid','data/cours.mplstyle'])
In this course we look at 2 points:
- how to improve Jacobi
- the convergence of iterative algorithms (how to understand it and exploit it well)
Add inertia to Jacobi¶
Jacobi's method leads to the following iterative system
$$ {\bf x}^{k+1} = M^{-1} \, ( N\; {\bf x}^k + {\bf b}) $$
We have seen that this method only converges if the matrix B has its spectral radius less than 1, $\rho(M^{-1}\,N) < 1$.
We can modify this method so that it has a greater radius of convergence and therefore converges for more matrices. For this we add inertia:
$$ {\bf x}^{k+1} = w \, M^{-1} \, (N\; {\bf x}^k + {\bf b}) + (1-w) \, {\bf x}^k $$
with $0 < w \le 1$.
If $w = 1$ then we have classic Jacobi and if $w = 0$ then we don't move, ${\bf x}^{k+1} = {\bf x}^k$.
We talk about inertia because we see that we are moving more slowly since the new value of ${\bf x}^{k+1}$ is between the old value of ${\bf x}^{k+1}$ and ${\bf x}^k$.
Note: $w \, {\bf a} + (1-w) \, {\bf b}$ represents segment $[{\bf b}, {\bf a}]$ when $w$ varies between 0 and 1.
The idea is that with inertia we may enter the convergence zone whereas without it we would have jumped Above.
This method is called over-relaxation, I don't know why.
Let's program inertia for Jacobi¶
We start with a simple Jacobi to check that we diverge.
A = np.random.randint(10, size=(4,4))
b = A.sum(axis=1) # ainsi la solution est [1,1,1,1]
print('A:\n', A, "\nb:\n", b, "\n")
M = np.diag(A) # attention, c'est un vecteur
N = np.diag(M) - A # np.diag d'une matrice donne un vecteur, np.diag d'un vecteur donne une matrice
print(f"M:\n {np.diag(M)}\nN:\n {N}\n")
x0 = np.random.random(4)
x = x0
for i in range(20):
print(f"x_{i} = {x}")
x = (N @ x + b) / M
A: [[5 7 6 0] [1 7 2 5] [5 6 5 1] [0 6 3 7]] b: [18 15 17 16] M: [[5 0 0 0] [0 7 0 0] [0 0 5 0] [0 0 0 7]] N: [[ 0 -7 -6 0] [-1 0 -2 -5] [-5 -6 0 -1] [ 0 -6 -3 0]] x_0 = [0.062 0.652 0.185 0.852] x_1 = [2.465 1.472 2.384 1.647] x_2 = [-1.322 -0.067 -1.161 0.002] x_3 = [5.088 2.662 4.803 2.841] x_4 = [-5.89 -1.986 -5.451 -2.055] x_5 = [12.921 6.009 12.084 6.324] x_6 = [-19.314 -7.672 -17.997 -8.044] x_7 = [35.937 15.79 33.53 16.575] x_8 = [-58.741 -24.41 -54.8 -25.618] x_9 = [103.534 44.49 96.557 46.694] x_10 = [-174.554 -73.588 -162.861 -77.23 ] x_11 = [302.056 128.775 281.706 135.159] x_12 = [-514.732 -218.038 -480.218 -228.824] x_13 = [885.114 376.327 825.542 394.983] x_14 = [-1513.908 -642.302 -1412.303 -674.084] x_15 = [2597.587 1103.419 2422.887 1158.103] x_16 = [-4448.651 -1888.411 -4149.91 -1981.882] x_17 = [7627.267 3238.983 7114.521 3399.456] x_18 = [-13068.402 -5548.37 -12190.539 -5823.066] x_19 = [22399.965 9511.401 20894.459 9982.548]
Now let's add inertia to Jacobi:
x = x0 # on reprend la même valeur initiale sinon la comparaison serait faussée
w = 0.5 # on choisit w
for i in range(20):
print(f"x_{i} = {x}")
x = w * (N @ x + b) / M + (1-w) * x
x_0 = [0.062 0.652 0.185 0.852] x_1 = [1.264 1.062 1.284 1.25 ] x_2 = [0.918 0.882 0.948 1.037] x_3 = [1.072 0.941 1.082 1.08 ] x_4 = [1.028 0.925 1.032 1.048] x_5 = [1.047 0.939 1.042 1.049] x_6 = [1.041 0.943 1.029 1.042] x_7 = [1.043 0.949 1.024 1.039] x_8 = [1.042 0.954 1.017 1.036] x_9 = [1.043 0.959 1.011 1.034] x_10 = [1.044 0.962 1.005 1.032] x_11 = [1.045 0.966 1. 1.031] x_12 = [1.046 0.969 0.995 1.03 ] x_13 = [1.048 0.971 0.99 1.03 ] x_14 = [1.05 0.973 0.986 1.029] x_15 = [1.053 0.974 0.981 1.029] x_16 = [1.056 0.976 0.977 1.03 ] x_17 = [1.059 0.977 0.972 1.03 ] x_18 = [1.063 0.977 0.968 1.031] x_19 = [1.067 0.978 0.963 1.032]
The sought solution being [1,1,1,1] it seems to work well!
Let's study convergence¶
To fully understand an iterative method, it is necessary to study its convergence and therefore draw a curve absolute error (when the solution is known), or relative error (between 2 successive ${\bf x}^i$) or the residual ($||A \, {\bf x}^i - {\bf b}||$) or any other measure that makes sense.
Let's look:
x = x0 # on reprend la même valeur initiale sinon la comparaison serait faussée
w = 0.5 # on choisit w
error = [np.square(x - np.ones(4)).sum()]
for i in range(20):
x = w * (N @ x + b) / M + (1-w) * x
error.append(np.square(x - np.ones(4)).sum())
plt.plot(range(len(error)), error);
A priori it seems good, except that in fact you can't see anything because the scale prevents you from seeing what is happening at the end.
Let's look at a logarithmic scale:
plt.plot(range(len(error)), error)
Wow, the ending is scary...
Morality: Always look at an error in logarithmic scale.
Since we measure something which must tend towards 0, with a normal scale we are quickly crushed and therefore we do not see if we are at $10^{-3}$ or $10^{-6}$ while it is very very different.
Similarly if we diverge we will not see the beginning because a linear scale will adjust to the last values which can be very large.
Let us resume our calculation on more iterations.
x = x0 # on reprend la même valeur initiale sinon la comparaison serait faussée
w = 0.5 # on choisit w
error = [np.square(x - np.ones(4)).sum()]
for i in range(200):
x = w * (N @ x + b) / M + (1-w) * x
error.append(np.square(x - np.ones(4)).sum())
plt.plot(range(len(error)), error)
plt.title('Erreur absolue')
So we approached the solution and then we diverged, which is better than diverging directly.
Relative error¶
Could we have seen it if we had not known the solution? Let's look at the gap between 2 successive ${\bf x}^k$s.
It seems that there is a strong relationship between the gap between two successive x and the absolute error. Let's check:
k_min = np.argmin(error)
k2_min = np.argmin(error2)
print('Itération présentant le minimum : ', k_min, k2_min)
print('Erreur absolue minimum : ', min(error))
print("Erreur absolue minimum devinée à partir du minimum de l'écart : ", error[k2_min])
Itération présentant le minimum : 12 14 Erreur absolue minimum : 0.004062676542953207 Erreur absolue minimum devinée à partir du minimum de l'écart : 0.004333899458825818
The gap between 2 successive x is a simple and relatively efficient way to know when to stop an algorithm iterative.
Finally we can calculate the residue namely $||A \, {\bf x} - {\bf b}||$ but it is $n^2$ operations:
x = x0 # on reprend la même valeur initiale sinon la comparaison serait faussée
w = 0.5 # on choisit w
residu = []
for i in range(200):
old_x = x
x = w * (N @ x + b) / M + (1-w) * x
residu.append(np.square(A @ x - b).sum())
plt.plot(range(len(residu)), residu)
Let's test other matrices with this algorithm¶
def mk_A(seed):
return np.random.randint(10, size=(4,4))
A = mk_A(234)
b = A.sum(axis=1)
M = np.diag(A)
N = np.diag(M) - A
x0 = np.random.random(4)
def plot_error(M, N, b, x0, w, n=200):
x = x0
error = [np.square(x - np.ones(4)).sum()]
error2 = []
for i in range(n):
old_x = x
x = w * (N @ x + b) / M + (1-w) * x
error.append(np.square(x - np.ones(4)).sum())
error2.append(np.square(x - old_x).sum())
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,4))
ax1.plot(range(len(error)), error)
ax1.set_title('Erreur absolue')
ax2.plot(range(len(error2)), error2)
ax2.set_title('Erreur relative')
print("Itération du minimum :",np.argmin(error), np.argmin(error2))
plot_error(M, N, b, x0, w=0.5);
Itération du minimum : 17 40
We find the same behavior (convergence then divergence) but much more chaotic.
We can reduce the oscillations by increasing the inertia, i.e. by decreasing $w$:
error2 = plot_error(M, N, b, x0, w=0.1, n=1000)
# w 5 fois plus petit donc je fais 5 fois plus d'itération pour "avancer" d'autant (grosso modo)
Itération du minimum : 81 209
The oscillations are gone! But we paid a high price since we had to do 5 times more iterations.
It can be seen that in both cases the relative error (between 2 successive x) does not give the correct minimum. So stopping an iterative algorithm based on relative error is not always the most efficient.
Let's see what the residue gives:
x = x0
w = 0.1
residu = []
for i in range(1000):
x = w * (N @ x + b) / M + (1-w) * x
residu.append(np.square(A @ x - b).sum())
plt.plot(range(len(residu)), residu)
print("Itération du minimum :", np.argmin(residu))
Itération du minimum : 218
Exercise 20.1¶
How is it that the curve of the residual has the same shape as that of the relative error?
New Matrix¶
A = mk_A(123)
b = A.sum(axis=1)
M = np.diag(A)
N = np.diag(M) - A
x0 = np.random.random(4)
plot_error(M, N, b, x0, w=0.5)
Itération du minimum : 153 153
Here is a case with perfect convergence. Note that we stopped at iteration 150 when we passed below machine precision (following values must be 0 and as log(0) = $-\infty$, matplolib does not display them).
Let us nevertheless verify that the basic Jacobi method would not have it does not work :
x = x0
for i in range(20):
print(f"x_{i} = {x}")
x = (N @ x + b) / M
x_0 = [0.398 0.738 0.182 0.175] x_1 = [4.127 1.837 1.029 2.203] x_2 = [-0.526 -0.195 0.907 -0.906] x_3 = [3.427 1.782 1.133 3.759] x_4 = [-1.56 -0.204 0.913 -0.86 ] x_5 = [3.395 2.118 1.134 3.775] x_6 = [-1.907 -0.196 0.876 -1.616] x_7 = [3.877 2.342 1.133 3.784] x_8 = [-2.133 -0.357 0.851 -2.12 ] x_9 = [4.364 2.49 1.151 4.165] x_10 = [-2.525 -0.574 0.834 -2.467] x_11 = [4.804 2.671 1.175 4.665] x_12 = [-3.027 -0.792 0.814 -2.89 ] x_13 = [5.293 2.898 1.199 5.17 ] x_14 = [-3.581 -1.027 0.789 -3.421] x_15 = [5.87 3.159 1.225 5.719] x_16 = [-4.194 -1.298 0.76 -4.026] x_17 = [6.531 3.45 1.255 6.35 ] x_18 = [-4.891 -1.608 0.728 -4.704] x_19 = [7.277 3.779 1.29 7.073]
The basic Jacobi diverges, so it is indeed inertia that made it possible to converge.
New Matrix¶
A = mk_A(16)
b = A.sum(axis=1)
M = np.diag(A)
N = np.diag(M) - A
x0 = np.random.random(4)
plot_error(M, N, b, x0, w=0.5)
Itération du minimum : 0 0
Direct divergence but if we reduce $w$ we see that we are in the 1st case:
plot_error(M, N, b, x0, w=0.01)
Itération du minimum : 32 38
But it's still not good. At best we are not even at $10^{-1}$.
This last remark only makes sense if we know what we are comparing to.
- If the solution is a billion, having an error of 0.1 is fine.
- If the solution is 0.01, an error of 0.1 is huge.
We can therefore only judge an error according to a reference. If we know the exact solution, then it is the right reference.
$$ \frac{||{\bf x}^k - {\bf x}||}{||{\bf x}||} $$
Similarly, the error between 2 successive iterations only makes sense when normalized. If $||{\bf x}^k|| = 1 000 000$ then $||{\bf x}^k - {\bf x}^{k-1}|| = 1$ is fine but it is not if $||{\bf x}^k|| = 1$.
Also we compare the difference between 2 iterations with the current x or the previous one:
$$ \frac{||{\bf x}^{k+1} - {\bf x}^k||}{||{\bf x}^k||} $$
Let's do that and look at our previous results.
def plot_error_normalized(M, N, b, x0, w, n=200):
x = x0
error = [np.square(x - np.ones(4)).sum()]
error2 = []
for i in range(n):
old_x = x
x = w * (N @ x + b) / M + (1-w) * x
error.append((np.square(x - np.ones(4)).sum())/4) # normalisé par rapport à la solution
error2.append((np.square(x - old_x).sum())/np.square(x).sum()) # normalisé par rapport à x
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14,4))
ax1.plot(range(len(error)), error)
ax1.set_title('Erreur absolue normalisée')
ax2.plot(range(len(error2)), error2)
ax2.set_title('Erreur relative normalisée')
print("Itération du minimum :",np.argmin(error), np.argmin(error2))
A = mk_A(799)
b = A.sum(axis=1)
M = np.diag(A)
N = np.diag(M) - A
x0 = np.random.random(4)
plot_error(M, N, b, x0, w=0.1, n=1000)
Itération du minimum : 60 70
plot_error_normalized(M, N, b, x0, w=0.1, n=1000)
Itération du minimum : 60 70
The normalized relative error stabilizes in this case whereas unnormalized it always increased.
However, to converge the gap between 2 iterations must tend to 0.
Sometimes we can have a surprise:
A = mk_A(308)
b = A.sum(axis=1)
M = np.diag(A)
N = np.diag(M) - A
x0 = np.random.random(4)
plot_error_normalized(M, N, b, x0, w=0.1, n=500)
Itération du minimum : 500 499
We converge but near the desired value. It is rare and it is due to the very bad conditioning of the matrix A. This bad conditioning generates calculation errors which make it impossible to arrive to the exact solution.